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IBR Control – benefits of early and regular testing

According to AgriLand nearly 75% of suckler and dairy herds are symptomatic of IBR. If a calf becomes infected they are carriers of IBR for life.

Cattle can spread the virus under times of stress, leading to the infection of other animals.

The virus can remain within a herd because of latent carrier animals. Both infected and latently infected cattle can shed the virus, and can spread through human contact, equipment or embryo transfer.

To monitor a herd, regular bulk milk testing is extremely beneficial. It is advisable to carry out blood testing in suckler and dairy herds also. A bulk test with negative results must be taken with caution as this result may be the case even when 20% of the herd are carriers as a result of the dilution effect of a bulk tank sample.

Regular testing from early calf life will allow for an accurate representation of the herd health and the ability to adopt a suitable vaccination programme.

Based on an article by AgriLand - click to view full article