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Our Services

IBR ‘Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis’

Agri Diagnostics Ireland Ltd. IBR laboratory has ISO 17025 accreditation status and our expert team of analysts have the skills and experience to deliver accurate results with integrity.

Testing Methods and Samples Required

Disease Test Method Animal Species Samples tested Accreditation status


The detection of gB Antibodies against IBR



ISO 17025

The detection of gE Antibodies against IBR ( vaccinated animals)


Serum, Milk

ISO 17025

The detection of BHV I Antibodies against IBR



ISO 17025

We provide a comprehensive range of detection methods in bovine milk and serum samples. We provide our clients with cost-effective tests that are produced within 24 hours. This is combined with our high standards of quality and our unmatched customer service guarantee.

Our tests methods are as follows:

  • The detection of gB Antibodies against IBR
  • The detection of gE Antibodies against IBR ( vaccinated animals)
  • The detection of BHV I Antibodies against IBR

IBR ‘Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis’ is a serious viral infection that results in inflammation of the nose (Rhino-) and upper airways (-trache-).

The disease usually occurs when cattle are first exposed to a herpes virus called ‘Bovine Herpes Virus-1’ (BoHV-1).